Organizing and managing your support group
Andrea JulianWatch the presentation from Lead EDS
More about Andrea Julian
Location: Dayton OH
Social Media:
Facebook: Andrea Julian Training
Dayton Zebras
Instagram: @trainingzebras
Web page:
Andrea Julian is a wife and the mother of 2 teenage sons. Andrea and both of her boys have EDS and many of the co-morbid disorders that come with it. After many years of poor care Andrea took her family’s health in to her own hands by becoming a personal trainer and functional training specialist. She has since joined a holistic health group and created a team of Chiropractors, massage therapists and trainers for hypermobile clients. Andrea is driven to help others succeed and regain the quality of life they deserve.
Andrea has also served in middle school youth ministry for 20 years and has been serving in her current location for almost a decade. Andrea’s heart for young teens comes from many years of misdiagnoses, misunderstanding and the verbal abuse that often comes with it. She feels every child has a right to be heard and loved no matter the circumstance. Andrea’s empathy and compassion for others eventually lead her to start the Dayton Zebras Support and Advocacy Group.
The Dayton Zebras have grown to over 500 families in the Dayton area alone. Andrea and her team are still learning and trying new things to make sure everyone is served properly. It is hard work, but worth every second, just to see one person helped!